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Science Syllabus

Jun 27

1 min read




Science Class Materials  

A folder

Art/drawing materials (i.e., marker, colored pencils)

A notebook


Science Class Goals and Objectives: 


Students will act as real-life scientists by completing the following: 

Develop an understanding of how science relates to everyday life. 

Gain science content knowledge. 

Develop problem solving and processing skills.  

Utilize and strengthen reading and writing skills and abilities.  

Utilize technology during class activities and assignments.  

Work collaboratively with their classmates.  


Units of Study: 


Topics covered throughout the course of the year include: 


Earth science 

Space science


Please note: A textbook will be used as a resource rather than the focus of instruction.  


Methods of Assessment 

Class work: Some classwork will be graded. 

Quizzes and tests: Students will be given a study guide prior.  

Projects and special assignments: Rubrics used when grading projects. 

Homework: Students will read science nonfiction text in preparation for a new topic and answer a higher-level thinking question.   



Jun 27

1 min read




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